英语学习测评 英语口语学习 60个实战英语口语训练,实用度爆棚(小卷实战英语)



1. Introduce yourself(介绍自己)
Hello, my name is ______. I am from ______. I am a student/teacher/doctor, etc.

2. Talking about your family(谈论家庭)
I have a big/small family. My father/mother/parents/siblings/grandparents are all in _____.

3. Asking for directions(问路)
Excuse me, can you tell me the way to _____? How can I get to _____?

4. Talking about the weather(谈论天气)
It\’s very hot/cold/rainy today. I like the sunny weather the most.

5. Making a phone call(打电话)
Hello, may I speak to ______? Can I leave a message?


6. Talking about hobbies(谈论爱好)
I like reading/watching movies/listening to music, etc. What\’s your hobby?

7. Ordering food(点餐)
I would like to order _____/Can I have _____, please?

8. Making appointments(约会)
Could we make an appointment for _____/Can we meet at _____?

9. Talking about work(谈论工作)
I work in _____. My job is _____. How about you?

10. Talking about travel(谈论旅游)
I love traveling. I have been to _____/I want to go to _____.


11. Talking about your hometown(谈论家乡)
My hometown is _____/There are many interesting places to visit in my hometown.

12. Talking about the news(谈论新闻)
Did you hear about the latest news about _____?

13. Making complaints(抱怨)
I am sorry to say that _____/I am not satisfied with _____.

14. Giving compliments(赞美)

look great today/Your work is amazing.

15. Offering help(提供帮助)
Do you need any help with _____/Can I help you with _____?


16. Talking about shopping(谈论购物)
I want to buy _____/Do you like shopping?

17. Talking about sports(谈论运动)
I love playing _____/I often watch _____ games.

18. Talking about music(谈论音乐)
I like listening to _____/Who is your favorite singer?

19. Talking about movies(谈论电影)
I am a fan of _____/What is the latest movie you\’ve watched?

20. Talking about books(谈论书籍)
I enjoy reading _____/What is your favorite book?


21. Talking about food(谈论食物)
I like Chinese food/Western food/What is your favorite food?

22. Talking about goals(谈论目标)
I want to learn _____/I hope to achieve _____.

23. Talking about holidays(谈论假期)
I usually have a good time during holidays/Which

holiday do you like the most?

24. Talking about animals(谈论动物)
I like cats/dogs/lions/What is your favorite animal?

25. Talking about art(谈论艺术)
I am interested in paintings/music/What is your favorite artist?


26. Talking about language learning(谈论语言学习)
I am learning English/French/Chinese, etc/How are you doing with your language-learning?

27. Talking about fashion(谈论时尚)
I like wearing fashionable clothes/What is your fashion style?

28. Talking about technology(谈论科技)
I am interested in new technology/Which technology do you think will be popular in the future?

29. Talking about exercises(谈论锻炼)
I like doing sports/What kind of exercises do you often do?

30. Talking about health(谈论健康)
I think health is very important/What is your favorite way to keep fit?


31. Talking about time(谈论时间)
What time is it?/I am always punctual.

32. Talking about routines(谈论日常生活)
I usually get up at _____/I usually go to bed at _____.

33. Talking about driving(谈论驾驶)
Can you drive?/I enjoy driving, what about you?

34. Talking about love(谈论爱情)
I believe love is the most important thing in our life/Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

35. Talking about the environment(谈论环境)
We need to protect the environment/What can we do to protect the environment?


36. Talking about traditions(谈论传统)
I think traditions are important/Which tradition do you like the most?

37. Talking about culture(谈论文化)
I am interested in Chinese culture/What is your favorite culture?

38. Talking about celebrities(谈论名人)
I like _____/Who is your favorite celebrity?

39. Talking about emotions(谈论情感)
I feel happy/sad/angry/What is your feeling now?

40. Talking about memories(谈论回忆)
I have many good memories from my childhood/What is your best memory?




作者: acad2018


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