英语学习测评 英语口语学习 英语口语场景对话


问候场景:问候是日常生活中最基本的交际方式之一,也是表达礼貌和尊重的重要方式。在英语中,问候的方式有很多种,如“hello”、“hi”、“good morning”等等。下面是一个典型的英语问候场景对话:
A:Good morning!
B:Good morning! How are you?
A:I\’m fine, thank you. And you?
B:I\’m good, thanks for asking.
A:How\’s your day going so far?
B:It\’s been busy, but good. How about yours?
A:Not too bad, thanks. Have a great day!
B:You too, take care.
A:Excuse me, where can I find the women\’s

clothing section?
B:It\’s on the second floor, right next to the escalator. Are you looking for anything specific?
A:Yes, I\’m looking for a dress for a wedding.
B:We have a great ion of dresses. What style are you looking for?
A:Something elegant and simple, in a light color.
B:How about this one? It\’s a pale blue color and has a lovely flowy skirt.
A:That\’s perfect! How much is it?
B:It\’s on sale for $50 today.
A:Great, I\’ll take it. Thank you!
A:Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?
B:Sure, it\’s just two blocks down this street, and then turn left.
A:Thanks. And do you know which train I should take to get to the Louvre?
B:Yes, you can take Line 7 and get off at the Palais Royal stop. From there, it\’s just a few minutes\’ walk to the museum.
A: Great, thanks for your help.
B: You\’re welcome. Enjoy your visit to Paris!
A:Hi Susan, how\’s the project coming along?
B:It\’s going well, thanks for asking. We finished the market research last week and we\’re now working on the final report.
A:That\’s great to hear. When do you think you\’ll have it finished?
B:I think we should be able to wrap everything up by the end of next week.
A:Sounds good. And have you had a chance to look at the budget for next quarter?
B:Yes, I\’ve been reviewing the numbers and I think we\’ll need to make a few adjustments.
A:Okay, let\’s schedule a meeting to go over everything in more detail.
B:Sure, I\’ll put something on the calendar for next Wednesday.



作者: acad2018


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