英语学习测评 线上英语课程 宾馆常用英语口语指南



1. 预订房间(Booking a Room)

– 词组1:I\’d like to make a reservation.(我想预订房间。)
– 词组2:Can you recommend a good room type?(你能推荐一个好的房型吗?)
– 词组3:How much is the room rate per night?(每晚的房价是多少?)
– 词组4:Is there a discount for long-term stays?(长期住宿有折扣吗?)
– 词组5:Can I cancel/change my reservation?(我能取消/更改预订吗?)

2. 办理入住(Check-in)

– 词组1:I have a reservation. My name is [姓名].(我有预订,我的名字是[姓名]。)
– 词组2:Do you have my booking information?(你们有我的预订信息吗?)
– 词组3:Do you require a deposit?(需要支付押金吗?)
– 词组4:What time is check-in/check-out?(入住/退房时间是几点?)
– 词组5:Could you show me t
he way to my room?(你能带我去我的房间吗?)

3. 询问服务(Inquiring about Services)

– 词组1:Is breakfast included in the price?(价格中是否包含早餐?)
– 词组2:What are the facilities available in the room?(房间里有哪些设施?)
– 词组3:Can I have extra towels/toiletries?(可以给我额外的毛巾/洗漱用品吗?)
– 词组4:What is the Wi-Fi password?(Wi-Fi密码是什么?)
– 词组5:Is there a gym/swimming pool in the hotel?(宾馆里有健身房/游泳池吗?)

4. 投诉和报修(Complaints and Maintenance)

– 词组1:I\’m not satisfied with the room condition.(我对房间的状况不满意。)
– 词组2:There is a problem with the air conditioning.(空调有问题。)
– 词组3:Could you send someone to fix it?(你能派人来修理一下吗?)
– 词组4:I would like to change to another room.(我想换一个房间。)
– 词组5:Can I get a refund for the inconvenience caused?(因为不便造成的损失,我能得到退款吗?)

5. 结账离店(Check-out)

– 词组1:I would like to check out.(我想结账离店。)
– 词组2:Here is my room key.(这是我的房间钥匙。)
– 词组3:Can I have the final bill?(能给我最后的账单吗?)
– 词组4:Do you accept credit card payment?(可以用信用卡支付吗?)
– 词组5:Can you help me call a taxi?(你能帮我叫辆出租车吗?)



作者: acad2018


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