英语学习测评 线上英语课程 英语口语范文(英语口语范文100篇带翻译)



Hello everyone, my name is Amy. I come from China. It\’s really nice to meet you all. I\’m a student majoring in English. I have been learning English for more than 10 years. I love English so much because it\’s a useful tool for communication. In my spare time, I enjoy reading English novels and watching American TV shows. I believe that practicing English regularly can help improve my spoken English. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself.

A: Hi, how are you today?
B: I\’m good, thanks for asking. And you?
A: I\’m great, thanks. What have you been up to lately?
B: Not much, just working and studying. How about you?
A: I\’ve been busy with work, but I managed to find some time for relaxation. It\’s important to have a good work-life balance, don\’t you think?
B: Absolutely. It\’s crucial to take care of ourselves and find time for hobbies and activities we enjoy.

A: Excuse me, where can I find the men\’s clothing section?
B: It\’s on the second floor, next to the shoe department. Just take the escalator up and you\’ll see it on your left.
A: Thank you. Could you also tell me where the fitting rooms are?
B: Sure, they ar
e at the back of the store, near the cashier\’s counter. You can\’t miss them.
A: Great, thank you so much for your help.

A: How many people are in your party?
B: There are six of us.
A: Great, please follow me to your table. Here are the menus. Can I get you something to drink?
B: I\’ll have a glass of water, please.
C: I\’d like a cup of coffee, please.
D: I\’ll have a soda, please.
A: Alright, I\’ll be right back with your beverages.

A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?
B: Sure, go straight for two blocks, then turn left. The subway station will be on your right.
A: Thank you. Do you know how often the trains run?
B: The trains run every 5 minutes during peak hours and every 10 minutes during non-peak hours.
A: That\’s helpful. Thanks for your assistance.



作者: acad2018


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