英语学习测评 线上英语课程 100句旅游英语口语短语,让你游遍世界(常用旅游英语200句)



首先,当你到达目的地时,你需要对当地进行探索,而了解如何向当地人问路是非常重要的。你可以问,“Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest tube/ subway/ metro station?” 或者,“Could you direct me to the nearest bus stop?”。

当你需要租车时,你可以问,“May I rent a car for three days?” 或者,“Is there a

car rental service nearby?”。

当你需要订酒店时,你可以问,“I would like to book a room for two nights,” 或者,“Do you have any vacancies for tonight?”。

当你需要购物时,你可以问,“Could you recommend a shopping center/ shopping mall nearby?” 或者,“Where is the nearest supermarket/ grocery store?”。

在和当地人交流的时候,礼貌非常重要。你可以用这些句子表达感激之情,“Thank you very much for your help,” 或者,“I appreciate your help so much.”。

当你需要问别人问题时,除了礼貌,用疑问句也是一个不错的选择。比如,“Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest restaurant is?”、“Do you have any recommendations for a good place to eat?”、“Can you tell me what the weather is like tomorrow?”等。

当你需要向别人提出请求时,最好注意用语。比如,“Could you please take me to the nearest hospital?”、“Can I trouble you to take a picture for me?”、“Would you mind telling me where the bathroom is?”等。

当你需要与当地人交流时,你还需要协商价位。你可以问,“How much does this cost?”、“Is it possible to get a

discount?”、“What\’s the best price you can give me?”等。

当你在寻找旅游景点时,你可以问,“Could you tell me how to get to the nearest tourist attraction?” 或者,“Do you have any recommendations for interesting places to visit?”。

当你在景区游览时,你可以问,“What is the history/ story/ legend behind this place?” 或者,“What is the best time of day to visit?”。

当你需要向别人描述你的旅游感受时,你可以说,“I had a great time/ fantastic experience here,” “It was amazing/ breathtaking/ stunning,” 或者,“I highly recommend this place to others.”。

如果你在旅游中有一个突发的问题或意外,你可以向身边的人求助。“Can you help me?”、“Please call a doctor/ police,” 或者,“I lost my passport, what should I do?”等。

当你要离开时,你可以说,“Thank you for your hospitality/ kindness/ help,” 或者,“I hope I can come back here someday.”。



作者: acad2018


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