英语学习测评 英语口语学习 关于自然景观的英语单词




1. Mountain Range : 山脉
Mountain range refers to a series of mountains, typically in close proximity.

2. Waterfall : 瀑布
A waterfall is a natural flow of water descending from a height, often falling over a cliff or rocky edge.

3. Desert : 沙漠
A desert is a barren, often sandy region with little rainfall or vegetation.

4. Glacier : 冰川
A glacier is a large, slow-moving mass of ice formed by the accumulation and compaction of snow.

5. Coral Reef : 珊瑚礁
A coral reef is a collection of living organisms, primarily coral polyps, that build up over time to create a complex underwater ecosystem.

6. Canyon : 峡谷
A canyon

is a deep, narrow valley with steep cliffs or walls, often formed by water erosion over a long period of time.

7. Rainforest : 热带雨林
A rainforest is a dense forest in a warm, wet region with high annual

rainfall, characterized by a wide variety of plant and animal species.

8. Volcano : 火山
A volcano is an opening in the Earth\’s crust where magma and other materials from the earth\’s interior are ejected onto the Earth\’s surface.

9. Beach : 海滩
A beach is a strip of land bordering a body of water, typically consisting of sand or small rocks.

10. Tundra : 苔原
A tundra is a vast, treeless region in the arctic or subarctic regions, characterized by low temperatures, short growing seasons, and a layer of permafrost.



作者: acad2018


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